Hows this for an embarassing story....
For the last 2 or so days, I have been deaf, like I have lost 90% of hearing in both ears. I have taken hot showers, ued a syringe of hot water in my ears, tried everything I could think of to clean them out in case it was indeed just a wax build up. Nothing worked. So I went to the urgent care as per my nuerologists recomendation.... and low and behold, it was a wax build up. They cleaned my easrs out with peroxide and hot water, and I could hear the world again.... got it, invest in peroxide.

I'm Amber. 26 yrs old. I have two girls (4 and 7) who are a handful, but keep me on my feet. I haven't worked in over a year due to severe back pain, which as still gone "unknown" according to my doctors. I was diagnosed with MS on 06/29/15. I also have been diagnosed with mild scoliosis, beginning of disc degeneration, a "rare" L6 vertebrae, hypothyroidism, diabetes inspidius, IgG4, fibromyalgia, & hypermobility. You can find me on Instagram: Spoonie.Amber